Although The UK has now ended Covid restrictions we are keeping some additional regulations.
These may evolve according to the latest government and scientific advice
We will ensure sufficient fresh air is brought into all studios throughout the day. This may mean the studio could get a little colder so please be sure to bring an extra layer of clothing if you think you’ll need it
Floor markings will indicate where to place mats
Face masks are not required but optional during classes. Teachers are not required to wear masks during classes. We prefer you to wear a mask at all other times during your visit.
Teachers can now move around the studio and give physical adjustments should students be OK with that
Changing rooms and showers are open
Studios are cleaned thoroughly throughout the day.
Things we ask you to do
Provide full contact details if new to the studio/Ensure your contact details are up to date in your account
Thoroughly wash your hands and/or sanitise upon entering. Multiple hand gels and sinks are provided
Bring your own mat where possible. We also sell mats and most props in both studios.
We have lockers in Islington but not in Tufnell Park – please don’t bring any valuables with you.
Not come to the studio or attend classes if you have any Covid-19 symptoms. If in doubt please refer to the NHS website here
Please remember
There is no evidence Covid-19 can be spread by sweat
Physical activity improves health, wellbeing and immunity: all linked to decreased Covid-19 riskIf you have any concerns regarding this please get in touch: [email protected]